BeyondTBL 908-917-2558

You need an ally… Someone committed to your success, willing to ask the tough questions and tell you the truth. Beyond the Bottom Line is on your side. We deliver tangible results to non-profits facing critical financial challenges.

Interim CFO. Expert advice – when you need it, as you need it. We identify the issues and work as a strategic member of your team to implement intelligent solutions.

Outsourced A
ccounting. Our full range of accounting and bookkeeping services improve efficiency without the fixed cost of a full-time accounting staff.

Our services are:

onfidential. Turn to us for objective insight on sensitive issues.
Cost-effective. Pay only for the services you need.
Dedicated. Your success is our passion.

For a free one-hour consultation, e-mail us at or call us at 908-917-2558.